Our crime prevention department is your competent contact in the following areas
- General behavioral prevention
- Technical prevention/advice
- Criminal police advice center (advice days)
- Police youth protection/youth welfare officer
- Violence prevention
- Addiction and drug prevention
- Prevention to protect against sexual violence
- Prevention against dangers on the Internet
- Senior citizen prevention
- Urban crime prevention
- Involvement in the evaluation of crime prevention projects
- Involvement in inter-agency and inter-institutional networks
Here is the nationwide police crime prevention website with lots of tips and information.
Florian Witthaut und Oliver Bittern beantworten Ihre Fragen rund um den Einbruchschutz.
Ältere Menschen, die Opfer von Straftaten werden, sind meist besonders hart getroffen. Obwohl sie ihren Alltag routiniert bewältigen, kann bei überraschenden und ungewöhnlichen Situationen schnell eine Überforderung eintreten. Die Polizei Hagen warnt vor einer Betrugsmasche, bei denen sich Täter als...
More than twice as many victims of grandchild fraud and fake police officers last year
An empathetic, non-judgmental and non-discriminatory approach to the victim does justice to them and their situation. It focuses on the person who has been harmed. This creates the conditions for a functioning and trusting cooperation.
The majority of victims of sexual abuse are girls. But boys, often between the ages of six and thirteen, are also affected. Even infants and toddlers are exposed to sexual violence.
Victim protection and victim support are integral parts of police work in North Rhine-Westphalia.
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