Press wall
The aim of our communication is to make police actions transparent and understandable.

The press and public relations team can be contacted on 02331/986 1515. For media information outside office hours, the Hagen police control center can be reached on 02331 - 986 2066.

Press and public relations work is directly assigned to the Chief Constable. It implements the information policy of the authority management.

The area of responsibility of the employees is diverse. It includes preparing daily press reports, providing information on police-related events and responding to inquiries from local and national media. Interviews with media representatives and the organization and implementation of press conferences are also part of the spectrum.

In special situations, our colleagues are directly on site with a mobile press office. Among other things, they inform journalists about problematic demonstrations and parades, major accidents and incidents or high-profile criminal cases.

In order to gain the trust of the public, the Hagen police use a variety of public relations activities to provide an insight into their work and organization. It communicates police issues to the public, organizes high-profile projects and events and has an online presence.

Here is the link to the Hagen police press releases!

In the download area of the Hagen police press office you will find the last two issues of our official newspaper "110". This is published quarterly and consists of an editorial team from all four directorates. In it, we report on current topics and exciting stories from our police department.

Latest news
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110