Official career of authority manager Ursula Tomahogh

Ursula Tomahogh
Official career of authority manager Ursula Tomahogh
A fully qualified lawyer, she has already gained management experience in various roles in the NRW police force

Ursula Tomahogh has a great deal of management experience and extensive expertise in police work. As a fully qualified lawyer, she has been working in the North Rhine-Westphalian police force since 1997 and has held various management positions in the higher service. Initially, Ms. Tomahogh was head of the management office and deputy department head of the riot police in Wuppertal. Three years later, she took over as head of the police station in Remscheid. From 2010, she was then put in charge of the Traffic Directorate at Wuppertal Police. After three years, Ursula Tomahogh moved to Essen Police Headquarters in 2013, where she took over the management of the Emergency Response and Operations Directorate. Among other things, she was responsible for combating clan and rocker crime. Some time later, Ms. Tomahogh was appointed Head of the Management Staff at Bochum Police Headquarters and was thus responsible, among other things, for cross-directorate cooperation within a large authority. In 2017, she moved to the State Office for Training, Further Training and Personnel Matters in Selm, where she was responsible for the state-wide training of young police officers as head of department. For the last two years before her appointment as Polizeipräsidentin in Hagen, the then Senior Police Director was head of the police department in the district of Mettmann.


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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110