On March 12, 2025, Police Commissioner Ursula Tomahogh and the Head of the Crime Directorate, Criminal Director Robert Gereci, presented the Hagen police crime statistics for the year 2024.
- Crime in Hagen falls by 2.08 percent
- Crime clearance rate remains well above the national average at 59.11 percent
- Violent crime is slightly down in 2024 compared to the previous year
Crime in Hagen is falling. The decline in the number of cases has continued. Crime in Hagen reached an overall level of 17,653 crimes in 2024. This corresponds to a decrease of 375 cases or 2.08 percent compared to the previous year. Although the clearance rate was not quite able to maintain the very high level of the previous year (60.06%), at 59.11% it is still well above the national average (53.46%). Hagen police is the best police headquarters in terms of the clearance rate in comparison.
"In 2024, we once again succeeded in reducing the development of crime in Hagen. The slight drop in the crime rate and our high clearance rate show that the meticulous and good work of the police is having an effect. We will continue on this path to make Hagen even safer. Because every crime is one too many - our goal remains to further reduce crime," said Police Commissioner Ursula Tomahogh, introducing the Hagen crime statistics for 2024.
Seven homicides were recorded for Hagen in 2024. In six cases, the attempt was not successful and the victim survived the crime. Overall, the clearance rate was just under 86% - only in one case (attempted) could the crime not yet be solved. This case was reported by a woman in 2023 whose vehicle had wheel bolts loosened and partially removed. Fortunately, no damage was caused.
At 755 cases, violent crime as a whole was down in 2024 compared to the previous year. There were still 765 cases here. The clearance rate fell slightly from 79.48% to 74.57%. The number of robberies in 2024 was 177, compared to 174 in the previous year. In contrast, the number of cases of dangerous or grievous bodily harm fell from 530 to 527. Simple bodily harm, which is not included in the total number of violent crimes in the crime statistics, rose from 1,395 to 1,478 cases in 2024.
The Hagen police can report a resounding success in the fight against violent crimes involving knives. Knives were used 119 times in 2023 and 89 times in 2024 (this also includes threats with a knife without it being used). "A single stab can be fatal and destroy lives. Knife violence often escalates within a few seconds and is not tolerated. Our emergency services take decisive action against all forms of knife violence. Every check is crucial in preventing such acts and protecting lives," says Tomahogh. If a person is found to have committed a criminal or administrative offense involving the use of a knife, the Hagen police record and review the case in writing. Depending on the severity and frequency of the offense, the person concerned may be banned from carrying a weapon. This prohibits them from carrying a knife or other dangerous tools and sports equipment for three years. Violations may result in a fine of up to 500 euros or alternative imprisonment. In 2024, targeted focus operations were carried out to check people for carrying knives. Police officers on daily duty are also increasingly checking whether an individual ban on carrying weapons can be imposed on offenders. "Contrary to the national trend, the number of violent crimes in public spaces involving the use of knives in Hagen is on the decline. Nevertheless, the issue is also of concern to the Hagen police. Every incident involving a knife is one too many. The significant reduction is very pleasing and can be attributed to our work," says the head of the Crime Directorate at Hagen Police Headquarters, Criminal Director Robert Gereci. As of today, 17 knife carrying bans have been issued by the Hagen police (10x German citizens).
Another success is the reduction in rapes - the Hagen police recorded 43 offences - compared to 52 in the previous year. The number in 2024 is therefore significantly lower than a year earlier. In 42 of the 43 reported rapes, the perpetrator and victim knew each other. "Only in one case against a woman were there no previous relationships. However, this crime is an exception. The majority of rapes involve people from the victim's social environment," emphasizes Gereci. In the offense area of "sexual harassment", the Hagen police recorded an increase of 11 cases.
In the area of street crime, Hagen recorded a slight increase of 36 offenses to 3,406 offenses in 2024 (1.07 percent). The cases of pickpocketing (232 cases), bicycle theft (162 cases), theft from motor vehicles (967 cases), damage to motor vehicles (737 cases) and other damage to property in public spaces (544 cases) are clearly outstanding in this area. Looking specifically at the figures for street crime in the so-called concept areas of the Hagen police, there was a decrease of 14 crimes in the area of the main railway station in 2024 compared to the previous year (2022: 289, 2023: 251, 2024: 237). For Altenhagen and Wehringhausen, a decrease of 32 offenses to 447 can be seen.
"Hagen's main railway station and the districts of Wehringhausen and Altenhagen have been a focus of the Hagen police for many years now. The crime situation has improved compared to previous years. The intensification of police presence is directly related to the reduction in crimes. Many measures were taken in the concept areas, a presence was maintained at the train station, people were checked, narcotics were confiscated, offenders were banned from the area and the special police services are increasingly deployed alongside the traffic service and civilian criminal investigation officers. In 2025, we will continue to prevent criminal and deviant behavior and ensure that the sense of security is further improved," says Tomahogh.
The number of crimes against property (including fraud) increased in 2024. 4,085 offenses were recorded for Hagen (11.73 percent). The risk of becoming a victim of fraud is high. It must be assumed that this trend will also be observed in the coming years due to the advancing digitalization in all areas of life. At the same time, however, there are also positive signs in this context. Crimes against older people, made famous by the so-called "grandchild trick" or the "fake police officer", are falling sharply in Hagen. While 37 crimes were recorded here in 2023, there were a total of 29 in 2024, showing that intensive prevention efforts have had an effect. The Hagen police regularly provide information about various scams on social networks and also in personal discussions with citizens at local events.
The rate of juvenile crime fortunately fell by 1.43% to 24% in 2024 (2023: 25.43%). The largest proportion of suspects are young people in robbery offenses (49%) and violent offenses overall (41%). The rate of youth crime is comparatively low for drug-related crime (18%) and property and forgery offenses (20%).
The number of dwelling burglaries was 332 in 2024, of which 137 were attempts. In 2023, there were 330 crimes, 132 of which were attempts. The clearance rate rose from 13.03 percent to 14.76 percent. Thefts decreased by 299 cases. There were 5,696 offenses (of which 680 were attempts). In the area of shoplifting, there was a decrease from 1,807 offenses with a clearance rate of 93.36% to 1,549 offenses (92.38% clearance rate).
The proportion of non-German suspects in the total number of offenses was 45% in 2024 and has increased by one percentage point compared to the previous year. There is a particular focus on theft (54%), violent crime (44%) and the phenomenon of street crime (45%). The figures relating to the particular focus areas do not differ compared to 2023.
At this point, reference is made to the development of the population structure of the city of Hagen. In 2024, a total of 47,953 (2023: 47,172) people without German citizenship lived in Hagen. This corresponds to 24.29% of the total population. In 2023, the proportion was 23.9 percent. The high proportion of suspects without German citizenship is disproportionately high compared to the proportion of foreign citizens in Hagen.